Basic PlantSimulation
Basic PlantSimulation
Basic Plant Simulation Training : 3 Days Training
Course overview
The course shows, by way of numerous examples, how Plant Simulation is used. The use and adjustment of the standard components of Plant Simulation is explained, programming of client-related modifications is practiced, and knowledge of Sim Talk is developed and enhanced. The course content is oriented primarily towards the client's requirements.
Course content
Day 1#
Start page.
- Create New Model, Open,Save, Delete, Back spp file.
- Create execution file (*.exe), Encrypt file, File Security
User Interface/Ribbon bar
Class Library
- New Folder, New frame, Duplicate , Derive
- connector /Event Controller
- Source/Drain/Station/Parallel Station
-Assembly Station/Dismantle Station
- Pick and Place / Buffer
- conveyor/Turntable
- Workplace / Footpath/ Worker pool/Broker
- Shift Calendar
- information
- Data table
- chart/ Display
-Sankey Diagram
- Tools
- Bottleneck Analyzer
Day 2#
Processing of Part [setting] [factory 1 &2]
- Single processing, simultaneous processing
- Continuous and discrete production
- By lot production (Table)
Assembly And Disassembly processes
- Assembly station /Dismantle Station
- Assembly using worker.
- Pick and place.
- Modeling of repair and maintenance
- Repair and Maintenance
- Modeling of machine operators
- Load and unload of machines by worker
Transporter [packing]
-Continuous/Discontinuous conveyors
-Pick and place robot.
-Parts transport in containers
-Transverse slide carriages
Buffer and store
-Buffer and Sorter/ Kanban
-Buffer dimension and availability
-Simple store modeling
Day 3#
Experiment planning
-Experiment Manager
-Statistical tool (e.g., Sankey diagram, block statistics, statistics of the resources and the drain)
3D model
-Import 3d data to plant Simulation.
-Edit 3d object.
-Import Scan data/ Cloud point (Optional)
Exercise : Put it all together.
End of course ,you will understand the standard command and how to create model from Plant Simulation systematically.
21 July 2023
Viewed 1990 times